Eric Von Berg - Newmark Realty Capital - 595 Market Street, Suite 2550, San Francisco, CA 94105 - for loan quote: 415 956 9922

June 3, 2010

Concrete lessons from Haiti and Chile

It's not hard to spot the risky buildings. Is it time to provide full disclosure of seismic risks similar to what we do today with other environmental risks?

The concrete coalition is a group to which I am lending my support. Their cause could save many lives. Here's an extract from their website, check it out...

The potential safety problems posed by some concrete buildings constructed in the U.S. west coast prior to the 1970’s are generally well known among structural engineers and building officials practicing in seismically active areas. Public policy makers are somewhat less aware and the general public is not informed adequately of the potential risks.

These buildings are widespread. They were a prevalent construction type in the western U.S. prior to enforcement of codes for ductile concrete in the mid-1970s. The exposure to life and property loss in a major earthquake is immense. Many nonductile concrete buildings have high occupancies, including residential, commercial, and critical services. Severe damage can lead to critical loss of building contents and risk of ruin for business occupants and partial or complete collapse can result in large numbers of casualties.

The Concrete Coalition will generate a concerted effort to advocate the identification of these dangerous concrete buildings and the development of sensible solutions to reduce risks associated with these buildings.